Andaras - Angelic Lilac Orchird Heart Divine Transformation Mini Grid Set with Sacred Geomatric Disc
宇宙天使神聖轉化組合(連有神聖幾何圓碟及小天使 )



1.) LIQUID LILAC 溫柔的淡紫色,啟動皇族血統線。

Liquid Lilac的才華、和平和驚艷的美能立即打開你的內心,也可啟動松果體。這顆溫柔及和平的 andara 從心而啟發你,它能說出美麗動人,吸引別人的詩句,放遠視野並連繫內在平靜安逸。它大多用作生命的轉化,讓你重新憶記神聖能量。

Soft hues of lilac, activate magic and royal bloodlines alike. Brilliance, peace and wonder, the beauty of this opens your heart instantly. The calming energy, the pineal gland opens with each activation too. This one is soft and peaceful and it inspires from the heart. It speaks beauty, enhances visions and brings forth a tranquil connection from within. It can be used to transmute and transform. This one assists with purity and remembering that which is Divine.

2.) ORCHID HEART Andara  carries the energy of transmutation and Star Code DNA activation! Cosmic Magician, DNA Transmutation

新地球蘭花之心 ANDARA 帶有轉化的能量以及啟動星際基因!宇宙的魔術師、基因的蛻變

3.) Angelic Opalescent Andara
Light Powerful, subtle and a pristine mix of soft, exquisite energies. Totally activated by the SOLar Sun, they glow SOLaris/SOUL "fire".... also activating Mary Magdalene energies, the mystical & the magical, these do so very much! (Some glowing photos are captured with a light at the base in the dark). Infinite everything.  Pure. Angelic. Celestial. Magical. Love.


天使乳白色 Andara
揉合溫柔、可愛及低調細緻的嶄新組合。它完全受SOLar Sun啟動,閃耀的光線是SOLaris或靈魂之火,同時也啟動了神秘和魔法般的馬利亞(Mary Magdalene)能量!它是所有萬物的終極:純粹、天使、天國、魔法、愛。

4.) Higher Heart Love 更高心的愛 「神聖女性能量」

*** 每一個 Special Edition 都會帶着限量版本手作小天使 : 所有手作能量小天使都會帶著白光天使力量之地之温柔與愛的祝福及不同品質,合適放在聖壇、房間、工作空間作支持 ***

Weight: 114grams


This Product is not returnable or exchangeable.


[ Andaras ]

Andaras 是高能量高震頻提升能量的好夥伴!它們可以協助我們輕易啟動的基因光體以及空間頻率! 透過我們與 Andaras 的互動(包括玩樂、創作、工作和一起入睡),它們更可以支持我們。 我們的光體是一個會自然更新的身體協助我們可以存在於更高次元。協助我們清理在細胞以及身體之中的程式及時間線,啟動內在的純潔、愛、創意、喜悅以及協助我們打開心喜悅以及協助我們打開心路腦令我們更容易接觸高次元的智慧。

與 Andaras 互動:與它們一起睡覺,將它們放置在您創造神聖空間中,並將它們放置在您的身體(LightBody)上協助你的能量及基因加速和調整,可作能量調頻的功用。

隨著心及靈魂的覺醒,感覺到您的內在正在啟動。 感覺到光子碼的震動,您的靈魂開始浮現! 從我們的呼吸中感受一切的神性和神聖,連接是一切的關鍵,這些晶石將幫助您連接,創造,跳舞,唱歌和憶起更多!

Andaras are high vibrational support for our Lightbody / Crystalline Lightbody / DNA and supports to raise the vibrational frequencies for us and our sacred space! The more you play and interact with them (or sleep with them) the more they support you in return. Our Lightbody is a regenerative body that brings you through to higher dimensions. Clearing programming/timelines and activating Purity, Love, Creativity, Joy and heart-mind expansion to gain access to higher consciousness states with greater ease. Andaras are connected through our inner connections with our soul and the beautiful vibrancy activates us on a multidimensional level!

Work with these, sleep with these, place them in your creative sacred space, place them on your physical LightBody to accelerate and tune. Use in energy sessions, activate with a group, just BE and allow inspiration to come through you when your whole being is relaxed and open to hear, see, feel your new realities as they come forth from within YOU!

FEEL the activations within you as your heart/soul awakens more. FEEL the Light Codes tingle and your SOUL emerge even more! Divinity and sacredness breathing from our very CORE, connection is KEY in everything and these will assist you with connecting, creating, dancing, singing and remembering even more!


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