AEOS Beauty Body Lotion Awakening 200ml Soften, smooth and boost hydration from top to toe...
Soften, smooth and boost hydration from top to toe with our ultra-nourishing yet fast-absorbing body...
Transform your morning shower into an uplifting ritual, as you cleanse and soften your body...
Rapidly reveal a smooth, glowing, nourished complexion, as you remove every last trace of make-up...
A fresh, radiantly clean complexion is yours when you wash away environmental pollution, impurities and...
Treat your complexion to the ultimate smoothing, calming, hydrating effects of our award-winning elixir, as...
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Soften, smooth and condition skin as you quench a thirsty complexion with our award-winning blend...
適合乾燥,疲勞或環境敏感的皮膚 - 我們自己種植的生物動力斯佩爾特孝麥油與荷荷巴油,甜杏仁油,摩洛哥堅果油和玫瑰純露相結合 - 可實現卓越的同步保濕效果。 輕盈且不油膩並且深入滲透,這是3步 AEOS 產品中的最後“密封”步驟,鎖定之前產品的所帶來的水合作用和滋養。 Pink Beauty 我們的豐盈肌膚潤膚霜...
Discover a radiantly clean complexion as you quickly remove all traces of environmental pollution and...
Discover a radiantly clean complexion as you quickly remove all traces of environmental pollution and...
Discover a fresh, glowing, polished complexion as you smooth and nourish skin while boosting hydration...
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Discover a fresh, glowing, polished complexion as you smooth and nourish skin while boosting hydration...
Visibly plump, smooth and revitalise skin as you restore maximum radiance with our age-defying, award-winning...
AEOS 清新保濕噴霧 100ml 對於相對暗啞的膚色來說,喚醒終極美容的機會來了。讓這種天堂般的面部薄霧包裹著一層芬芳的水分,讓你的皮膚和頭腦煥然一新。 高級有機和生物動力植物和水晶精華提升肌膚,水果和花水溶膠的活躍混合進一步恢復和恢復皮膚的自然和諧。 Spagyric Crystal & Gem Essences: AEOS 清新保濕噴霧包含煉金的精華有助皮膚再生及情緒平衡,如蛋白石、紫水晶、紫龍晶、綠松石、綠寶石、白晶及綠玉髓。 有機、生物動力植物精華...
The Starter Kit is designed for 2 days use, morning and evening.Get ready to glow...
The Starter Kit is designed for 2 days use, morning and evening. Get ready to...
|產品特色| 澳洲的天然品牌Amazing Oils,研發各類鎂產品已超過10年,使用的天然"氯化鎂"是從純淨的鹽湖中分離出來的鎂化合物,百份百天然有機,百份百取之澳洲,造於澳洲。鎂本身含有抑制消化的化合物,並不容易被人體吸收。而經皮膚吸收的Amazing Oils不用經過消化系統,對人體會有更大的生物利用度(bio-availability)效果。 酣睡入浴鎂片提取自天然純正的氯化鎂 (Magnesium Chloride Flakes),並非浴鹽 (Magnesium Sulphate),其分子細小近5倍,有更快速及高度的滲透性,配合足浴/半身浴的熱力,有助加快血液循環,更易吸收鎂的好處。配方更添加天然的薰衣草及洋甘菊精華,尤其適合壓力大、容易緊張繃緊、肌肉關節痠痛、不易入睡、失眠、中途易醒的人士使用,有助為身體適量補充鎂,幫助放鬆肌肉及神經、減輕肌肉關節酸痛、安撫繃緊情緒、幫助入睡及睡得更深沉安穩。 天然鎂: 被譽為「放鬆神經」的礦物質,除了協助調節掌管睡眠的褪黑激素,也能接合和活化擁有消壓舒眠的GABA (胺基丁酸),因而有助改善睡眠。 薰衣草: 外國有很多研究表明,睡前使用薰衣草,能幫助維持睡眠狀態與品質,同時降低半夜驚醒和疲倦感。 洋甘菊: 治療焦慮/失眠的常見植物,它含有一種稱為芹菜素 (apigenin) 的抗氧化劑,芹菜素與大腦中的特定受體結合,就有安神助眠的功效。 |使用方法| .浸全身浴時可倒入半杯份量...
$120.00 $240.00