Aura Soma - Pocket Rescue Set
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Pocket Rescue 系列:


請用左手大力搖晃瓶子釋放平衡的能量(搖晃平衡油 - 請儘量由當下使用的人搖晃)

如果當下使用的人不能搖晃, 您可以用右手搖晃同時用左手與他們接觸,直到兩種液體餾分混合在一起,接著將一些液體倒入右手掌中,並對應瓶子內顏色相關的脈輪或您所吸引的身體任何位置使用。

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B1 Blue/Deep Magenta  

Physical Rescue


This bottle is associated with the Third Eye Chakra.  It relates to being able to listen and communicate clearly, to peace and trust, and a feeling of being nurtured.  may help with the letting go of the difficulties from the past, the craving for a peace which you believe is not for you and that may be a reflection of guilt or unworthiness.


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B3 Blue/Green

Heart Rescue


This bottle relates to the Heart Chakra.  To a love of nature.  It may help with decision making and communicating feelings in a peaceful way.  May help with the emotional side of life, denying feelings or the communication of those feelings and not making space for one's own needs.

這瓶子是對應心輪,愛我本然的我。 能幫助自己清楚地表達出來,能夠有想像力和創造力。幫助克服自我懷疑,增加對自己的信賴和贊同自己。幫助心靈成長,並且去發現什麼是心靈成長的原動力。

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B4 Yellow/Gold  

Sunlight Rescue


This bottle relates to the Solar Plexus Chakra, to knowledge in the conscious mind and wisdom within the unconscious mind.  it can also be associated with someone who has a sense of humour and is able to deal with life in a sunny or happy manner.  may help with the difficulties in finding the light within the self whilst being able to see it within others or being afraid of the smallest detail in life


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B11 Clear/Pink  

Love Rescue


One of the New Aeon Child Set, this bottle relates to love, warmth, caring and unconditional self acceptance.  It can help to address the issues of learning to receive love as well as give love to others, to be humble in self acceptance and to overcome self doubt.  May help with the issues of spiritual pride - holding oneself back through false humility when it is more appropriate to step forward.

這瓶子是其中一支新時代小孩套裝的瓶子,這瓶子帶着愛、 溫暖、關懷和無條件的愛重新給予自己,重新學習如何接收更大的愛及把洞見傳給身邊的人與事,是愛和智慧的媒介。敞開心胸愛自己、愛別人和提昇愛的能力。與此同時具有協調和謙虛地接受自我並克服自我懷疑,接受更大無條件的愛給予自己

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B20 Blue/Pink  

Star Child Rescue


Also one of the New Aeon Child Set this bottle is useful for work with the 'inner child'. It can promote feelings of the warmth and love of a child with a child's potential for forgiveness.  Relating the communication of peace with love for the self and others and unconditional self acceptance.  May help with the need to resolve difficulties from the childhood, assertiveness or forgiveness and self acceptance.  Also relates to the Crown Chakra.



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B26 Orange/Orange  

Etheric Rescue


The Etheric bottle relates to the second chakra but is applied in a specific way, down the left side of the body from the left ear lobe to the left ankle and around the hara.  If there are particular areas of spiritual tension then you may also apply to that location.  This bottle may help to address issues of letting go of the past so that plans for today may be made.  May help with the issues of unresolved spiritual shock, difficulty with relations and anger.  May also help with all issues of dependency and co-dependency.


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B87 Pale Coral/Pale Coral  

Love Wisdom Rescue


This bottle can relate to shock and unrequited love, it may help with the potential to give love and wisdom to the world.  The realization of self-acceptance and understanding of inter-dependence can bring deep joy.  May help with dependency and unrequited love especially towards oneself.

這個瓶子有助於支援突如其來的震驚和得不到回報的愛有關。它將愛和智慧帶給世界,自我接受和對相互的理解, 從而可以帶來深深的喜悅。有助於改善和恢復自己對愛的看法,讓真正的愛包圍自己,重新啟航。

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B89 Red/Deep Magenta  

Energy Rescue


Helps to look at the shadow within and awaken to the possibility of a change of energy.  Marks a shift from focusing on the more creative aspects.  Also helps with the intuition and the spiritual being.  May help to overcome anger, frustration and resentment whilst utilizing energy and looking at opportunities in life.


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B100 Clear/Deep Magenta  

Metatron Rescue


Symbolizes the light coming into the shadow.  The clear fraction acts as a mirror through which we can see ourselves so that we do not deny any aspect of ourselves and come to a deeper acceptance.


Collections: Aura Soma - Full Sets

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