Discover a radiantly clean complexion as you quickly remove all traces of environmental pollution and impurities, with our ultra-gentle award-winning cleanser.
Light and non-greasy yet deeply cleansing, this advanced botanical blend of organic and biodynamic essential oils, plant extracts and crystal essences come ‘alive’ when activated with water – maintaining the delicate moisture balance of the skin with the upmost purity.
Blue Beauty
Our Gentle Cleansing Lotion Blue supports peace and serenity, helping you to slow down, breathe deep and soothe away stress from your skin and mind.
Spagyric Crystal & Gem Essences:
Our Gentle Cleansing Lotion Blue contains alchemical essences of Rose Quatz, Clear Quartz, Blue Chalcedone, Blue Sapphire, Amethyst and Turquoise to help rejuvenate the skin and balance emotions.
Organic & Biodynamic Plant Extracts:
Rose Hydrosol
Rose Extract
Roman Chamomile Hydrosol
Jojoba Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Spelt Oil
Rose Geranium Oil
Rose Oil
Grapefruit Oil
Lavender Oil
Arnica Oil
Rosehip Oil
Blue Chamomile Oil
Argan Oil
Witch Hazel
Lavender Hydrosol
Sunflower Oil
這 溫和潔臉乳 (藍) 輕盈,不油膩而且深層清潔,被水啟動時更變得“具生命力” - 以最高純度保持皮膚的微妙水分平衡。
Blue Beauty
我們的溫和潔臉乳 (藍)支持和平與寧靜,幫助您放慢,深呼吸,緩解肌膚和心靈的壓力。
Spagyric Crystal & Gem Essences:
我們的 溫和潔臉乳 (藍) 包含煉金的精華有助皮膚再生及情緒平衡,如玫瑰晶、白水晶、藍玉髓、藍寶石、紫水晶及綠松石。
This Product is not returnable or exchangeable.
In case of sold out, you are welcome to email us for pre-order, please state which products and quantity.
如果產品售罄,您可以通過電子郵件向我們預訂: love@newearthgroup.com.hk。
AEOS - Energized Organic Skincare
The Starter Kit is designed for 2 days use, morning and evening.Get ready to glow...
The Starter Kit is designed for 2 days use, morning and evening. Get ready to...
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