Andaras - Emerald Green Gaia Light Altar Piece 綠寶石蓋亞之光



綠寶石散發森林的顏色,以及很多未被接觸的高度秘密。綠寶石的能量轉移揭示了我們內在世界的神聖智慧和洞見。它有着天堂和翡翠島的頻率,可連結Gaia之心,透過與地球的正向關係,展現能量。Gaia Stone連結蓋亞之心,教導我們大地母親源源不絕的愛和供應。它幫助我們延展豐盛意識,及告別所有缺乏、不足的感覺。它帶來大地母親的美麗意識,讓我們從中學習到宇宙無條件的愛。

Emerald is the color of the deep and feral forest, untouched and abound with hidden secrets. Emerald Shift unveils our inner world of sacred wisdom and insights. Holds the frequency of Heaven on Earth and the Emerald Isle. Connected to the Heart of Gaia and manifesting through the balance of right relationship with the Earth. Gaia Stone connects to the heart of Gaia and teaches us to know she is our supply. Helps us to expand Abundance Consciousness and remove feelings of lack. Brings awareness of beauty and appreciation of Mother Earth. Promotes Unconditional Love and Compassion.

Weight : 913grams


This Product is not returnable or exchangeable.



[ Andaras ]

Andaras 是高能量高震頻提升能量的好夥伴!它們可以協助我們輕易啟動的基因光體以及空間頻率! 透過我們與 Andaras 的互動(包括玩樂、創作、工作和一起入睡),它們更可以支持我們。 我們的光體是一個會自然更新的身體協助我們可以存在於更高次元。協助我們清理在細胞以及身體之中的程式及時間線,啟動內在的純潔、愛、創意、喜悅以及協助我們打開心喜悅以及協助我們打開心路腦令我們更容易接觸高次元的智慧。

Andaras are high vibrational support for our Lightbody / Crystalline Lightbody / DNA and supports to raise the vibrational frequencies for us and our sacred space! The more you play and interact with them (or sleep with them) the more they support you in return. Our Lightbody is a regenerative body that brings you through to higher dimensions. Clearing programming/timelines and activating Purity, Love, Creativity, Joy and heart-mind expansion to gain access to higher consciousness states with greater ease. Andaras are connected through our inner connections with our soul and the beautiful vibrancy activates us on a multidimensional level!
