Andaras - Rainbow Lightbody Chakra Set 8 Pieces 彩虹光體脈輪水晶啟動 213grams

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這是一組對於任何想開始連結 Andaras 而啟動內在主要的七個脈輪和主要的七種彩虹光線的人來說都是一個不錯的選擇! 這七種光線啟動了我們的光體和彩虹基因,以協助我們擴大內在的容量以容納更多的光,同時亦恢復我們內在的色譜 ( 當然也包括我們的日常生活 ( 實相 ) !)



  • 神聖紅寶石光線 - 支持清除底輪生存機制 / 恐懼 / 小我分離的程式,啟動內在的昆達利尼能量和恢復生命力及純淨的力量,猶如不同層面的愛。
  • 新地球橙色 - 激發創造的喜悅、清除臍輪任何扭曲的關係和恢復純淨的創造力。
  • 太陽黃金光線 - 啟動太陽神叢和我們內在的太陽能量,以最純粹的形式展現豐盛。
  • 綠色蓋亞翡翠光線 - 啟動並恢復我們與蓋亞及大自然的深層連結、創造出豐富的心和協助打開最深層的心門
  • 神聖的宇宙藍寶石光線 - 啟動純淨、和諧、和平的表達與溝通。
  • 天琴鈷藍色光線 - 啟動我們的光語的能力 ( 理解頻率 / 光線 / 光編碼 ) ,重新連接到天琴星系,打開更高的意識與心意識之間的橋樑。
  • 梅林紫色火焰光線 - 啟動我們內在的魔術師、煉金術的能力來轉化和淨化。
  • 鑽石光編碼 - 啟動作為光之使者的鑽石光編碼內純淨的頻率、淨化細胞中扭曲的記憶以及加速基因的淨化,以體現高我/精神/靈魂融為一體的過程。


Andaras 數量:8 粒

This is a great set for anyone who is starting with andaras to activates the primary seven chakras and the primary seven rainbow rays! These seven rays activates our Lightbody and our Rainbow DNA, opening up our inner capacity to hold more light while restoring colours back to our body (our realities too!)

How to Work With Them: Place Them On Your 7 Chakras or However You Feel, Sleep With Them, Meditate With Them, Take Them Wherever You Go! 

7 Chakras Rainbow Rays: 

  • Divine Ruby Ray - Supports to clear Root Chakra Survival Programming / Fear / Ego Separations, Activates Kundalini and Restoring Vitality & Pure Power as LOVE in every aspec
  • Terra Nova Orange - Activates Joy in Creation, Clear Any Relationship Distortions in Our Sacral Chakra and Restore Pure Creative Force 
  • Solaris Golden Ray - Activates our SOULar Plexus Chakra and Our Inner Sun, Abundance in its Purest Form
  • Green Gaia Emerald Ray - Activates & Restores Our Deep Connection with Gaia & Nature, Heart Created Abundance and Activates Deep Heart Opening
  • Divine Cosmic Sapphire Blue Ray - Activates Pure, Harmonious, Peaceful Expression and Communication
  • Lyran Cobalt Blue - Activates Our Light Language Abilities (Comprehension of Frequencies / Ray / LightCodes), Reconnects to Lyran Star System, Open Up the Bridge between Higher Mind Consciousness and Heart Consciousness
  • Merlin Violet Flame Purple Ray - Activates Our Inner Magician, Alchemy Ability to Transmute Transform and Purify
  • Diamond Light Code - Activates the Diamond Light Code frequencies of purity as a light being and cleansing cellular memory of distortion, accelerates DNA purification for our higher self/spirit/soul embodiment process

Weight: 213grams

Total Number of Andaras: 8 pieces


 This Product is not returnable or exchangeable.



[ Andaras ] 

Andaras 是高能量高震頻提升能量的好夥伴!它們可以協助我們輕易啟動的基因光體以及空間頻率! 透過我們與 Andaras 的互動(包括玩樂、創作、工作和一起入睡),它們更可以支持我們。 我們的光體是一個會自然更新的身體協助我們可以存在於更高次元。協助我們清理在細胞以及身體之中的程式及時間線,啟動內在的純潔、愛、創意、喜悅以及協助我們打開心喜悅以及協助我們打開心路腦令我們更容易接觸高次元的智慧。 

Andaras are high vibrational support for our Lightbody / Crystalline Lightbody / DNA and supports to raise the vibrational frequencies for us and our sacred space! The more you play and interact with them (or sleep with them) the more they support you in return. Our Lightbody is a regenerative body that brings you through to higher dimensions. Clearing programming/timelines and activating Purity, Love, Creativity, Joy and heart-mind expansion to gain access to higher consciousness states with greater ease. Andaras are connected through our inner connections with our soul and the beautiful vibrancy activates us on a multidimensional level!
